To Win Souls, Raise Disciples and Send Ministers
Jesus commanded us to, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
We are so honored to serve the youth of Central America, providing the resources needed to fulfill the call of God on their lives. The youth network moves and breathes as one army, with one purpose…To cause a powerful Christian transformation in the whole of society! We believe one day we will see a national revival with pastors arm in arm, ministries united, presidents fervently seeking His direction, teachers and students alike falling on their knees crying out for His mercy and love, all confessing that Jesus and Jesus alone is Lord!
In 1998, God gave us a vision of youth being discipled and sent out to the outer most parts of the Earth evangelizing through the arts of music, drama, mime, and dance. With this in our hearts, TPAT (Todo Por Amor a Ti - All for love of you) was started and we began to see youth, even those from gangs and satanic cults, coming to know Jesus and growing in their faith.
Now, groups in several different cities are launched and rising, hosting training seminars, discipling youth and going into parks, churches, public schools, and the streets with 1st Tim. 2:7 engraved on their hearts, "This and this only has been my appointed work: getting this news to those who have never heard of God, and explaining how it works by simple faith and plain truth." (msg)
Their impact is widespread and very effective; using the creative talents God has given each one to turn their world upside down for Jesus Christ.
It is our privilege to host several camps and a family retreat each year for people with disabilities, partnering together with several ministries in the States and Canada, including Joni and Friends, Hope Haven, and Heritage Christian Services.

Church Building Projects Nicaragua Extesion Bible School
We believe the Kingdom of God is worked out on earth through the local body of Christ, which is why we have participated in the construction and establishment of six churches in the indigenous areas of Guatemala, Mexico, and Nicaragua. Each of these vibrant churches is committed to evangelizing and discipling the people of their villages in the ways of the Lord, and to this day are growing and blessing their communities.