Making A Real Difference In Guatemala
You as a short term missionary are vital for the work here at Bethel Ministries International. More than 80% of what we are able to accomplish in helping those around us (our vecinos) is done by you! It is the way we are set up, it is the way we work - and it works well, thanks to everyone working together. We have seen so many lives changed; those whom we serve on the field, and those who come to serve.

I truly see the love of Jesus being shared all the time and I see the impact it is having on our society. I feel with all my heart that it is Jesus' command "Love your neighbor" being fulfilled, and that we are to go and teach all nations. You may say, "Well, I cannot speak Spanish how will I teach?"… We all teach by example and it is the best way.

Missions teams arrive throughout the year to spend a week supporting and staffing wheelchair distributions, building houses, and going out on food and clothing distributions - all over Guatemala. They often spend a day in Antigua after all of their hard work, getting a look at the Spanish heritage of Guatemala, relaxing, and hanging out with the kids in the orphange.
Five years ago I didn't really know where Guatemala was, let alone what God was doing there. After the first trip my family, church and I took we were hooked. We saw that the work Bethel Ministries is doing there is effective and, even after we have come and gone, they provide Christ-like love year round. We'll be back!
C Cottrell, Jericho Ridge Community Church
Five years ago I didn't really know where Guatemala was, let alone what God was doing there. After the first trip my family, church and I took we were hooked. We saw that the work Bethel Ministries is doing there is effective and, even after we have come and gone, they provide Christ-like love year round. We'll be back!
C Cottrell, Jericho Ridge Community Church
Each trip and team is different but the costs for food and lodging are generally far less than in the United States and Canada. Plus, Guatemala is just a short flight away, around 3 hours from Texas.
Is This For You? Your Church?
If you truly have a heart to serve then this may be the right place for you. We'd love to hear from you if you are interested.
Reflections from Bobbi who came to join us here in Guatemala.
When I first heard of this Short Term Mission Trip (STMTS) I was being tugged to give then to go!
I'm glad I took the step of obedience. I got to see how discerning our donations were being used. Also, how important STMTS were for the big picture. Without these STMTS the organization wouldn't be able to accomplish what God has laid on their hearts. The need is too great for them to do it alone!
I'm sure the Lord lays many visions on those that sacrifice their lives for His service. They see rows and rows of impoverished people. Within these rows I witnessed rows and rows of appreciative joyful people.
It was good to see God's monies being used for love and good deeds "in His Name".
It's easy to put one's trust in Him when times are hard - but for them, times that are hard are a daily event!
"When we place our trust in Him and follow in obedience the possibilities are boundless."
We all can contribute, young, old, strong or weak. The day I was helping with concrete a little one whom was receiving the house (Amelia) came down and picked up a shovel with bare feet and started helping me fill rock in a bucket. My first concern; was for her safety - but I was assured by the missionary (Chris Mooney) that she needed to help. I realized that they didn't want a hand out but a hand up!
People came to the Lord through our Words and Deeds in His name. How many, that belong to God. We did our part with the peace of knowing that He is the one who reaches down and draws us near.